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  • Writer's pictureFriends Of Hardway

Hardway PSPO Review

Gosport Council have informed us that the Hardway PSPO (Public Space Protection Order) is subject to review before extending for another 3 years.

Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO) are intended to deal with persistent anti-social behaviour in a local area that is detrimental to the community's quality of life. They do so by imposing conditions on the use of that area to ensure everyone can use and enjoy public spaces without experiencing nuisance and annoyance.

The Hardway PSPO was intially put in place as part of an action plan to deal with seasonal anti social behaviour around the Hardway Memorial Green and Priory Road area which had been escalating year on year. The PSPO was put in place at the request of the local community following successful campaigning and public meetings in 2017 and a number of serious ASB incidents.

A PSPO is just part of a postive action plan to prevent and deal with ASB at Hardway which includes Gosport Council CCTV, provision of free on the water youth activities organised by Friends of Hardway during the summer holidays, visits by youth engagement teams and proactive patrols by neighbourhood policing. This plan is in place to ensure the public feel safe to come to this area and nearby residents feel safe in their homes.

You are invited to comment on the renewal of the Hardway PSPO by completing Gosport Council's online survey before noon on 2nd January 2024 at

We hope you will provide your support to renewing the PSPO for a further 3 years as part of the positive ASB action plan for Hardway to ensure the public feel safe to come to this area and nearby residents feel safe in their homes.

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